CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, has updated their 2020 WSFS Business Meeting page to reflect adjustments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Under WSFS rules, only members physically present at the Business Meeting may participate (make motions, debate, and vote). Because of the travel restrictions that have obliged the convention to move online-only, most members of WSFS will not be able to attend the meeting. Therefore, Acting Presiding Officer Darusha Wehm will chair a minimal meeting scheduled for 10 am (New Zealand Time) on Saturday, August 1st, 2020 in Room 1 of the West Plaza Hotel in Wellington, New Zealand. At this meeting, only time-constrained matters (primarily consideration of Hugo Award eligibility extensions for specific works) will be considered. All other business, including ratification of pending WSFS constitutional amendments, will be deferred to the 2021 WSFS Business Meeting at DisCon III.
The Agenda for the 2020 WSFS Business Meeting, including reports submitted to the meeting, is available from the WSFS Rules page.
CoNZealand encourages members who planned on submitting new business this year to instead submit proposals to the DisCon III Business Meeting.